Turner Place

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

#1 - The First in a Series

I am going to post several posts because I will be with out a computer for a few days while it gets fixed. So I won't be able to update for a while. There are other computers in the house, but it's just easier to do some things on your own.

We have had a BUSY couple of weeks, with mutliple dentist, doctor and chiropractor appointments, concerts, ball games, finals and two birthdays. Boy oh boy was I ready for spring break!!!! Luckily, we made it through with most of our sanity in tact. Blaine and I were able to spend the weekend kid free and regroup. And he took the week off so we can get organized and then relax for a couple of days.

I promised Mandy that I would show her what we had for dinner last night...sorry it's in tuperware, Mand...I almost forgot to take the picture :)Hope you're imagination is good...probably won't taste as good from 3500 miles away. Guess we will have to feed you again when you come :)

Well, I'm sad to say, I got a "B" in Math again. I think I am going to have to take the Math 111 class at school instead of online. I'm going to have a hard time figuring out Math 95 on my own, but I'm going to give it a shot. This type of Math is so useless in the real world. I just don't see the point. I did get an "A" in Writing though. I will have Music Theory, History and Math next term. Should be exciting!

Hope you all have a fantastic Spring Break! Talk to you soon!

#2 My Sister's Kids

My sister sent me these pictures last week...aren't they so cute? They are expecting what looks to be a brother soon. The oldest is Taylor and the youngest is Jordan.

#3 - Twins???

Isn't it amazing how much cousins can look alike sometimes? Here is a picture of my sister's daughter, Jordan, and my daughter, Rachael (a few years back, of course:)

#4 - Birthdays

Rachael Turned 10 on March 19th


Joel Turned 7 on March 22nd
Happy Birhday to two FABULOUS kids! Love you guys!

#5 - Walls...

Help me! I put new pictures up on my wall in the family room and I just am not sure I like them. I need some new ideas... one thing to concider - the budget is very tight right now. If anyone has any suggestions, though, I am all about hearing them!

I do like my hall, though. I may have to bug my sister for a couple more of those picture frames...she's going to kill me. It's kind of fun hanging up all of these pictures I've been taking over the years. Makes it feel like they are worth the effort. Of course, blogs make it worth it too!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Another one of those questions...

We've been talking a lot about James 1:2-4 in church and Bible study..."Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith developes perserverance. Perserverance must finish it's work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." (Of course, you can keep reading, it's all challenging...)

The question I have is this: how do you get to the point of considering trials "pure joy"? I understand having "peace" when you go through trials, but "joy" is a stretch for me. Has anyone experienced this? What do you think it takes to get there...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Concerts, Dinning Room Sets and Snow!

Wow! Can you believe it? It's actually snowing in March in Portland, OR! How weird is that? It just goes to show, you never know about weather. Just when you think you've got it figured out it does something to suprise you. That is probably the reason people in their 70's and 80's (and some of us who are younger) love to talk about it all the time. It always brings some element of suprise. The kids had a two hour delay and now it is melted, but it was fun while it lasted.

Hannah had another band concert. Their band is suprisingly good for a beginning band. I'm always amazed. Hannah is doing really well in her band class. She has a good ear for music and an excellent sense of rhythm.

We also got a new dinning room set! This is such a blessing because we ALWAYS seem to have people over. I have a large family, Blaine's family lives nearby now, and we have a lot of friends. It will be nice to have another table to eat at so that we can accommodate people better. The couch was just not suited for meals.

Well, that's all the Turner news for the day! Many blessings to everyone!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Grrrrreat News!!!!!!!!

Okay, so this may not matter to anyone else, but I have to tell you anyway. I had been planning to go to PSU after I got my Associates Degree at PCC. So a couple of weeks ago I contactedPSU admissions to see what I would need to do. Well, it turns out that you have to have a Bachelor's, plus a Graduate Degree, plus a Master's in Teaching in order to graduate at PSU (unless I am misunderstanding something.) All together that would be 6 years from now - YIKES! So, I decided to look elsewhere.

I checked out George Fox's Program and they only require the Bachelors and the MAT, so that sounded much, much better (not to mention the shorter, less stressful commute.) That meant only 5 years from now.

Well, today, I went in to talk to the admissions advisor, and low and behold, unlike PCC, they will also accept my Multnomah credits - ALL 35 semester credits!! YEAH! That means that after this year I will be a sophmore and I will only have 4 years to go instead of the 6 I initially thought I was going to have to take! Hallelujah!

My journey to teaching just got 2 years shorter... :)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Week in the Life of the Turners

It's been a while since I posted, mostly because it is not always easy to juggle kids, school, mommyhood, and friends. Last week was especially difficult because Hannah and Rachael were sick and I had a paper to write. I always feel bad when I get frustrated because it is really no one's fault...it's just life! Blaine had something going on Mon-Wed in the evenings, but finally Thursday night I went to the library and was able to get my homework done. Poor Hannah, she was actually sick this time, and I didn't believe her for a while. She is one of those kids who only gets sick once every 2 or 3 years, so she tends to play up every little thing because she doesn't actually remember what it feels like to be sick.
Basketball has ended for Hannah and Blaine. The team was incredibly generous to Blaine and his assistant coach Ferrin. They recieved cards from their girls, a picture signed by the girls and framed, a framed picture of Blaine, Hannah and I, a Sherwood Basketball sweatshirt and a bouquet of flowers for the wives (I felt a little guilty about that - he actually saved me time by taking Hannah to all of her practices. I thought I had it pretty easy :) They were such a good group of people.

Last weekend was my birthday. My parents came up and we had steak and went to a movie. I meant to take a picture of my parents to put on here, but I forgot. I'll have to try to remember next time. Blaine bought me a bouquet of flowers. On my actual birthday, we had Hannah's last basketball game and my cousins were in a play at Alpenrose Opera House, so we went to that. It is a very good play. If anyone is interested in going, it is free and I believe it runs this weekend from 7:30 - 10:30 Friday and Saturday. It is Sunday too, but I don't remember the times. It is the story of Joseph from the begining to the Israelites moving to Egypt. My cousins do a super job...those of you who know them may want to check it out!

Well, I must go back to homework now. Here is a current picture of Lucy. Hope all is well for everyone. Leave a comment if you don't mind...I like to know people are still out there :)