Turner Place

Monday, January 21, 2008

Made it Through Another Term

Well, it's becoming more and more difficult to keep up this blog. I guess, if there is anyone who still checks in on occasion, you all will have to settle for periodic updates because my real life is just a little too busy to have a cyber life as well.

Last term was my first term at George Fox and it went very well. I actually really enjoy the school - after all, where else can you take a religion class from a Christian feminist? (She is very level headed, so when you imagine this, think more egalitarian than bra-burning radical :) I ended up with 4 A's and a B+.

Hannah outperformed me though, she earn a 4.0 for the first time. Her straight A's earned her a cell phone. (I remember getting a calculator the first time I got straight A's...) She is playing saxophone in Jazz band again this year. She is really good a Jazz band. She also played soccer first term.

The girls are both in a play again this term. It is a play about David and Bethsheba. Both of them have quite a few roles in the play this year. They are super excited about it. If anyone would like to go, it runs the last 2 weekends of February, so email me and I will give you more info.

Joel is playing basketball at the YMCA. Blaine is coaching his team this year. I think Joel has potential to be quiet the little player if he keeps it up. He's got a decent shot and he is pretty aggressive. He wants to play football in the fall. That will be quite the ordeal. Football is HUGE in this town. They can start playing in the 3rd grade and over the years they learn the plays they run in high school. We love walking down to the high school to watch games in the fall. There is so many people that it is standing room only.

Rachael has grown at least 6 inches this year. She is 11 years old and 5'3"! Her 13 year old sister is the same height as her. I wonder when/if she will quit growing, anytime soon. She is eating like a horse right now! She is getting really sick of me measuring her - it's just so hard to believe anyone can grow that much. She started Middle School this year. It has been an adjustment having to organize information from 7 different classes, but she is figuring it out. She played volleyball in the fall. Next year she will be playing for the Middle School, so it should be more competitive. I helped organize the 4-6 grade program this year. It was a lot of fun. Wish I had more time so I could do it again.

Blaine is doing well at work right now. He is a Lead Network Technician and has been promoted to the lead of the NOK(?) It's a help desk that does the higher level trouble shooting. He is doing a lot of really good things in the group. This quarter he was nominated for the quarterly leadership award. He is also volunteering in the Jr. High group at church.

This term I have 18 credits - Poetry, Literary Criticism, Bible Survey, Christian Foundations, The Modern Novel, and Volleyball. The great thing is I am done in April until I start up in August. My last good break before I have to really get serious. I start the MAT next June (09) and so once I start up again this August I will be in school for pretty much 20 straight months. I'm getting there though. I will graduate with my BA in writing and literature next April. By the grace of God, it has been relatively easy and a lot of fun. I love learning.

Well, to everyone I normally send a Christmas card to, I am really sorry we just didn't get to it this year. I do hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas. We will try to send them out again next year.


  • At 5:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said…


    Keep plugging away. I've nearly finished 4 years at Concordia for a BA in Education. I'm student teaching at Benson HS this semester, then I graduate in May! It's great to hear about your successes, especially as I can relate to your struggles, so keep posting when you can. God bless you and your whole household.

  • At 4:11 PM, Blogger Jenn Turner said…

    Congratulations, Dave! I'm looking forward to getting to that point myself. I can't "see" your webpage because it is protected, but I would love to see pictures of your family sometime. Keep up the hard work!

  • At 11:00 AM, Blogger Used Napkin2 said…

    Wow, lots of stuff going on! If you have a chance please check out my moms blog! Mines not all that interesting....

  • At 7:38 PM, Blogger Used Napkin2 said…

    Yeah, I had a fabulous birthday! Its really exciting for me to be getting another brother-in-law, its a real blessing!


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