Turner Place

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Summer Picture Time - The Dunes

As usual, I am much to busy to post. However, I thought you all might enjoy some of our pictures from this summer. Some day I will be able to keep up with this blog again...probably in about three years when I am done with school :)


  • At 9:59 PM, Blogger mommarazzi said…

    What great pictures!!! You're family is growing up so fast. Is Blaine all set to beat boys off with a stick should they come calling too soon?

  • At 10:33 AM, Blogger The Webbs said…

    Wonderful pics! I bet you had a great time. Your kids are so grown up. I remember chubby Joel running around the big room at NS. Oh, the good ol' days. Glad to hear from you. Check in every once in a while. There is always new stuff going on in both of our lives...kids do that to us!

  • At 3:11 PM, Blogger Dana said…

    hey jennifer- somehow found your blog on someone else's blog on a lazy sunday afternoon =). how are you guys? Mark (played bball at mbc with Blaine) and I are down in az. hopefully you are still blogging and might get this. we have some links of old mbc'ers on our blog too. kinda fun to see what everyone is up to. Fondly,


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