Turner Place

Friday, August 03, 2007

Just for Tammy :)

Pictures of the kids! First our kids (Hilman's, Hamm's and Turner's.) Then Joel and his cousin Micah. And finally, Hannah and Rachael. I will try to do better at keeping things up-to-date. I've already lost a year of birthdays and other events - so look out,once I get that new computer, you might be getting an update. (Altough, I just found out I have to read 16 novels between now and Christmas, so we will see how much blogging I get done...)


  • At 4:14 PM, Blogger Lyssa said…

    Hey! It's Hannah's birthday! Happy birthday Hannah!! How many years now? 13? Way to go!

  • At 4:18 PM, Blogger Lyssa said…

    Oh just so it's on record I am posting on Sunday August 19th 2007 Hannah Turner's 13th birthday :) Maybe we could see a picture or two of the newly teened teenager?


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