Turner Place

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Great News!!!

If you haven't already done it, check out Kaeli's website! The learned yesterday that Kaeli's cancer has gone from 95% to 5% and she is so close to being in remission. There is a really sweet letter from her dad in the guest book too. Thanks again for praying everyone. Keep it up - she is not completely out of the woodwork, and Lisa (her mom) still has to have surgery pretty soon to remove the cancer on her leg.

God Bless you all!


  • At 11:39 AM, Blogger Lola Bacon said…

    in answer to your comment, yes, I have gone to the doctor. Twice, and as soon as I get called to schedule, I'll go a third time for an endoscopy. Ick.

  • At 10:20 AM, Blogger Lola Bacon said…

    Wow, cysts on your head? I had no idea. Pictures would be great!

    It wasn't so bad, the worst part was the IV, that freaked me out and made my hand go numb.

    They found nothing, which is good, but now I'm back to the drawing board.


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