Turner Place

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Okay, I'm pathetic with the blog updating lately. Sorry. It's just so nice out (most of the time) that I haven't really been in the house long enough to get the job done. Also, my camera is being a pain and won't download pictures to the computer for me. So, I finally got some pictures of a camping trip I took with my neighbor. She took these pictures...a lot of them are really good, so I wish I could put more than 5 on here. Oh well.

Hannah's birthday (as well as 2 of my neices, one nephew, Blaine's Mom and Grandma) was in August. You can expect pictures from that as soon as I get my camera dilemna solved.

Thanks for the camping trip and for the pictures Sonia!


  • At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Not fair I wanna go camping... Hopefully soon it sounds like you had a lot of fun. August is starting to be as buisy as July for B-day's. Can't wait to see more pics hopefully I can get some of the kids posted for you tomorrow. By the way it won't let me log in to post so anonymous it is...

  • At 11:16 PM, Blogger Jenn Turner said…

    Weird...they must be experiencing technical difficulties. That happens once and a while. One time, I could upload pictures for at least a week. They eventually solved the problem, though.


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