Turner Place

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Creation Fest

Well, we are off again. We leave tomorrow morning take the girls to Creation Fest! Should be a lot of fun. Joel is going to stay with his Aunt Mishawna and Uncle Nate. I will leave you with a couple more pictures of my stay with my sister. We had a great time with them and miss them already.

New Picture of TJ

Taylor and Rachael Walking in the Woods

Look! I shot the tree the first try!

The Girls and I Four-Wheeling in the Mountains
Thomas and Little Rachael Setting Up for a Fireman's Training...He's the trainer for the Lewis-Ariola fire department


  • At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Jenn- Nice pics! Thanks for posting them- it's a great way to keep up on everything. You'll have to let Em know how you like Creation Fest- she was curious about what it was. L

  • At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Jenn Turner! I found you. :)

    I was looking for your address online...how did I lose that? and here you are. Looks like life is going well - and you are in school! How wonderful for you.

    I should have known you'd be blogging. *grin*

    Email me when you get back and let's catch up!

  • At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    whoops! forgot to leave my email addy: tonia.sparrow@gmail.com


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