Turner Place

Friday, June 09, 2006


Here is a brief update of the last couple of months...

Joel: Graduated from Kindergarten!
Is playing Rookie baseball
Has been trying SUPER hard in school and is doing a fantastic job
Went to a Father/son campout with Blaine

Rachael: Tested Talented and Gifted in Math
Got new glasses
Spent a day navigating the "Sherwood Trail" complete with a wagon and pioneer clothing
Had a choir concert at the Capitol in Salem
Completed her first Power Point Presentation

Hannah: Got an award for excellence in band
Went to Outdoor school and had a great time
Read her first super thick book
Organized a talent show for practically everyone in the neighborhood! (She did such a good job I told her she should be a wedding planner.)
Went to a house party with her youth group

School and work have been going well for Blaine and I. We had the opportunity to visit my family in Southern Oregon...that was fun...and Blaine had the opportunity to take Joel and another little boy to the father/son campout.

Overall it's been a great month...just a bit crazy!


  • At 6:54 AM, Blogger Jenn Turner said…

    Yeah, pretty pathetic concidering we only live 10 minutes from eachother...Right now, you pretty much have to catch us at a ballgame to see us :) Now that summer is nearly hear, we should be more available.


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