Turner Place

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

#1 - The First in a Series

I am going to post several posts because I will be with out a computer for a few days while it gets fixed. So I won't be able to update for a while. There are other computers in the house, but it's just easier to do some things on your own.

We have had a BUSY couple of weeks, with mutliple dentist, doctor and chiropractor appointments, concerts, ball games, finals and two birthdays. Boy oh boy was I ready for spring break!!!! Luckily, we made it through with most of our sanity in tact. Blaine and I were able to spend the weekend kid free and regroup. And he took the week off so we can get organized and then relax for a couple of days.

I promised Mandy that I would show her what we had for dinner last night...sorry it's in tuperware, Mand...I almost forgot to take the picture :)Hope you're imagination is good...probably won't taste as good from 3500 miles away. Guess we will have to feed you again when you come :)

Well, I'm sad to say, I got a "B" in Math again. I think I am going to have to take the Math 111 class at school instead of online. I'm going to have a hard time figuring out Math 95 on my own, but I'm going to give it a shot. This type of Math is so useless in the real world. I just don't see the point. I did get an "A" in Writing though. I will have Music Theory, History and Math next term. Should be exciting!

Hope you all have a fantastic Spring Break! Talk to you soon!


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