Turner Place

Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Week in the Life of the Turners

It's been a while since I posted, mostly because it is not always easy to juggle kids, school, mommyhood, and friends. Last week was especially difficult because Hannah and Rachael were sick and I had a paper to write. I always feel bad when I get frustrated because it is really no one's fault...it's just life! Blaine had something going on Mon-Wed in the evenings, but finally Thursday night I went to the library and was able to get my homework done. Poor Hannah, she was actually sick this time, and I didn't believe her for a while. She is one of those kids who only gets sick once every 2 or 3 years, so she tends to play up every little thing because she doesn't actually remember what it feels like to be sick.
Basketball has ended for Hannah and Blaine. The team was incredibly generous to Blaine and his assistant coach Ferrin. They recieved cards from their girls, a picture signed by the girls and framed, a framed picture of Blaine, Hannah and I, a Sherwood Basketball sweatshirt and a bouquet of flowers for the wives (I felt a little guilty about that - he actually saved me time by taking Hannah to all of her practices. I thought I had it pretty easy :) They were such a good group of people.

Last weekend was my birthday. My parents came up and we had steak and went to a movie. I meant to take a picture of my parents to put on here, but I forgot. I'll have to try to remember next time. Blaine bought me a bouquet of flowers. On my actual birthday, we had Hannah's last basketball game and my cousins were in a play at Alpenrose Opera House, so we went to that. It is a very good play. If anyone is interested in going, it is free and I believe it runs this weekend from 7:30 - 10:30 Friday and Saturday. It is Sunday too, but I don't remember the times. It is the story of Joseph from the begining to the Israelites moving to Egypt. My cousins do a super job...those of you who know them may want to check it out!

Well, I must go back to homework now. Here is a current picture of Lucy. Hope all is well for everyone. Leave a comment if you don't mind...I like to know people are still out there :)


  • At 8:42 PM, Blogger Jenn Turner said…

    Hey! You're alive!

  • At 7:51 AM, Blogger Lola Bacon said…

    Oh, you had a virtual birthday party for me on my birthday and one later, and I didn't even know it was your birthday. Great, now I have guilt.

    Happy belated birthday!

  • At 10:41 AM, Blogger Jenn Turner said…

    No guilt! It's not allowed :) Only happiness on birthdays...remember?

  • At 10:12 AM, Blogger Jenn Turner said…

    I gave you a new dog! Get over it!


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