Turner Place

Monday, January 23, 2006


My life just got soooooo much easier! I have been trying for the life of me to get to a class at PCC at 8am, but it is not easy to do when my kids catch the bus at 7:40am. After not a very successful start I looked into taking an online course instead, but while I was looking into it, I accidentally dropped my regular class. Then after trying for 3 days to find out if an online class was available, I finally gave up and went to the other class and begged the teacher to let me back in. She let me back in and later that day I got an email saying I could take the online class. But this time, I wasn't about to drop the other class until I was certain that I had the online version. So I continued to do the work for the regular class while I waited to be set up on WebCT. (This, unfortunately, included a completely useless paper that I wrote today.) Finally, at 11pm tonight, a week after the crazy ordeal started, I am officially enrolled in strictly online courses! YEAH! So much better! Now maybe I can focus on more important matters...such as keeping up my blog :)

In other news, I went to an excellent missions conference over the weekend. It was really nice to hear encouraging news from around the world and to hear wisdom from some godly men and women. Steve Saint had a lot of great stories. You all should see "The End of the Spear." It's about Nate Saint and Jim Elliot and the other martyrs. I think it actually goes on to tell some of Steve Saints story to. He actually brought the man who killed his father to the convention. It's remarkable to watch someone demonstrate that type of love and forgiveness.


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