Turner Place

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Done With Finals!

We discovered that Lucy sleeps just fine...as long as she can see someone in the room. We put her crate in our room last night and finally got a full nights sleep!
She is a bit timid still. Poor thing got frightened yesterday, because a dog the size of a guinea pig tried to attack her...pretty funny really.

Max is afraid of Lucy. He won't come down stairs now. He sits on the armoir in the hall and meows until you take him outside.

School is tying up for the trimester. I had a Math final last night. I think I did pretty well, we'll see. I struggled a bit trying to figure out the slope point formula and the slope intercept formula - even sounds like a foreign language. I can't believe I learned this stuff in 9th grade - wish I could remember it now. Writing, on the other hand, has been a breeze. The kids all had excellent report cards! Hannah was disappointed because she had 3 "A's" and 4 "B's", but I think that is a great report card. It will be nice to have a month of to focus on the holidays.

Well, I'm probably boring you all, so I will update again when I have something more interesting to talk about or show you. Or better yet, maybe we should have a contest to see who has the most interesting comment...Maybe I can get 31 comments like Michael. Oh wait, you have to be dead or write about lattes to get that many comments, huh?


  • At 7:57 AM, Blogger Lola Bacon said…

    You're not boring! At least not to me. It was totally rad seeing you at Alyssa's almost married party. You're pretty much awesome.

  • At 9:26 AM, Blogger jas said…

    lattes? michael gets comments for being boring. but I will leave a comment here anyway, I think you deserve way more than 31 comments. and good job on your final!

  • At 10:17 AM, Blogger The Webbs said…

    I agree with Lita...your life isn't boring...after all, you have 3 kids, 1 big kid and a small barn full of animals...and I am sure that the kids have yet to champion the cleaning of the house...all that and you are in school...Jen, your life is far from boring, or even uneventful. I love to hear about the goings and comings of peoples every day lives...it makes me feel like I am human too when I hear about others days. Keep up the "boring" blogging.

  • At 1:37 PM, Blogger Lola Bacon said…

    Have ye any snow pictures? Whipple, Bob and I walked on the pond at the park!

  • At 3:09 PM, Blogger Jenn Turner said…

    You're CRAZY! This is not New York, you know :) We saw a couple of "young people" walking on the pond at Hayden's (a restraunt in Tualitin) and we were scared to death that they were going to fall in...Joel kept saying, "Oh no, that's not smart! They'd better get off there..." Anyway, I'm probably overreacting and I'm very glad you are safe. No snow pictures for you. Spent most of the day at the mall...

  • At 7:55 AM, Blogger Lola Bacon said…

    Sad, I want pictures. And it was quite safe, there were people all the way across the whole thing. And this pond is only a few feet deep, so even if we did fall in, we would have been wet and cold, but not dead.

  • At 8:50 AM, Blogger Jenn Turner said…

    Oh good...then I can quit worrying about your :) I will try to get pictures next time it snows...if it does. I will try to post something soon...I'm still trying to get my shopping done, so I'm a little obsessed right now.


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