Turner Place

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Friends, Pizza, Football and Comics

Yesterday we had some friends over for pizza before we walked to the hometown football game. The team won round 2 of the playoffs. It is so much fun watching High School football in this town!

Here's some new pictures - still learning the best ways to format these:

In honor of the Civil war (Duck's vs. Beaver's for everyone who lives outside of Oregon), the kid's school had "Civil War Day". Rachael decided she is a platypus and painted Ducks on her forehead and Beaver's colors under her eyes.

Joel decided he wanted some Star Wars Legos that were $16.99. So he spent 2 days creating a15 page comic book to sell. He tried to sell it on the street for $16, but ended up taking his dad's offer of $5. (He gets allowance next week and he just lost a tooth, so Star Wars Legos may still be in his near future :)


  • At 7:11 PM, Blogger The Webbs said…

    I don't know if you saw, but we added your site to our links list too. Thanks for making us yours too. By the way, our crazy last name is spelled W-e-b-b-e-r-l-e-y.....lots of vowels

  • At 9:41 PM, Blogger Jenn Turner said…

    okay christopherrobin...I think I've got it spelled right:) Thanks for adding us to yours! Let me know if it's still not right. I'm still learning how to work all of this :)

  • At 3:40 PM, Blogger Lola Bacon said…

    Joel is so amazingly cool! I wish I had 16 dollars and saw him on the street selling his comic book. I would have bought it!

    Too bad Bob and I have zero money and live so far away from you...

  • At 10:53 PM, Blogger Lyssa said…

    Did Joeleo have a cardboard sign. That may have helped. It could have said, "Why lie? Need money for Star Wars legos".

  • At 10:54 PM, Blogger Lyssa said…

    oh, um.... about that first sentence in my last post... yeeeeah.... that's supposed to be a question, *oops*

  • At 10:57 AM, Blogger Jenn Turner said…

    He had a sign that said "For Sale" and he held up the comic...it was a low budget attempt :) Maybe I'll have him hire you for his next marketing attempt. Happy Thanksgiving!


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