Turner Place

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas Preparations

Christmas is so much fun...Right? It's just the week leading up to it that you have to wonder about! For a number of reasons, I ended up having to do most of my shopping the week of Christmas. This is in and of itself an adventure, but add to it two snow days resulting in a two hour late start and no morning kindergarten and AHHHHHH! I ended up trading babysitting with my neighbors - which was a life saver! Don't know that Christmas would have happened without them.

So Monday and Tuesday I shopped. Tuesday night my cousin came and hung out until two in the morning - which was a blast, though, probably not the smartest thing I've ever done. Wednesday I returned the favor of babysitting to my neighbors and watched 10 kids, then went to a pizza party for Joel's friend in Portland - which was a TWO HOUR DRIVE into town thanks to rush hour and Christmas traffic! Thursday and Friday, we baked cookies, tried to clean the house and then gave the kids their big gifts (we gave the girls computers and Joel a Gameboy and we wanted them to be able to use them before we left for various relatives houses.)

Saturday, we wrapped presents, handed out goodies to the neighbors and started Christmas festivities with a messy house :)

Shew...glad that's over. It took a lot of caffeine to keep me going through Christmas Day...I think I will try to space things out a bit more next year.


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