Turner Place

Monday, July 03, 2006

Friends and Frogs...?

It has been a great start to summer around here, complete with friends and critters...First Bob and Lita and the girls came for dinner (so much fun that I forgot to take pictures; then Rebekah and her kids came over (we had a great day); then our little friend Max had his 5th birthday party (I do have a picture, but I should ask his mom before I post it); then Fetta came over and earned the "Mom of the Year" award by catching one of the elusive "Frog Pond" bulfrogs (well, I remembered to take a picture of the frog...Sorry Fetta!) Since the bulfrog, we have captured a polywog and a baby tree frog. Who knows what else this summer has in store.

Hope you all have a fantastic Fourth of July!


  • At 9:29 PM, Blogger mommarazzi said…

    Cute cute cute! I love the frog kiss pic. Your kids are getting all grown up. Becoming beautiful women and a handsome young man. Would love to get on your calendar for you all to visit us or vice versa. Our kids miss yours :o(

  • At 9:57 PM, Blogger Jenn Turner said…

    Let's do it! We are pretty much booked in July, but wide open in August. We miss you guys too!


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