Turner Place

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

It's Done!

Well, finally, I get a small repreave before I go back to school. I took my last final last night and I have one other assignment left to do this evening. Then I have 5 1/2 weeks of freedom!!! That is going to be nice. I was hoping to have finished everything last night, but things don't usually work out that way around here. I'm sure they do at your house though ;)

I won't bore you with the insanity of our schedule, but I will tell you that Blaine went out of town in the middle of it last week. He came back into town Thursday - the day that the London story broke and all flights were put on code orange. He called me to tell me he would probably be a little late because of it. When I arrived at the airport, a firetruck came flying past me. I parked my car and went to get in the elevator and the lights started flashing and a loud message saying, "An emergency has been reported in this building. Do not use this elevator. Please procede with caution to the nearest exit!" I used the stairs and made my way to the actual airport. When I went inside to look at the reader board(and I was late because he told me I should be) and the flight had arrived. So I went to baggage claim, but there was no one there and the bags had not arrived. I tried calling Blaine but he wouldn't answer his phone. Finally, after waiting about 10 minutes, he called me and all was well. I have to admit it was all a little nerve wracking.

My friend and her kids came up to visit Thursday night through Saturday morning. We took the kids to the zoo and went shopping and then went to the Street of Dreams. It was amazing to look at the Street of Dreams. I learn a couple of things, first of all people who have lots of money are able to pay very close attention to details. The perfection in some of those houses is literally unattainable to the majority of Americans. They were beautiful, but you just can't concider the price when you are looking or it will make you sick! (Of course, that just may be my reaction to spending a lot of money. It makes my stomach queezy for some reason.) The second thing I learned is that people who have houses like this definately do not clean their own bathrooms. Every bedroom had a bathroom (the kids bathrooms even had miniature toilets!) and then they tossed in a few extras here and there for good measure. One house had 7 bathrooms! And most of them were huge. One of the master bathrooms was nearly as big as the downstairs of my house...of course that includes the master closet...

Well, here's a few pictures for you. Hope you all have a fabulous finish to your summer!

Happy Birthday Micah!

Well, pictures aren't working again. I will have to put some up tomorrw...sorry!


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