Turner Place

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Pray for our Friends

Hi everyone,

First of all, I'm really sorry I have not kept up this blog lately. It's been a busy season! I have been going to school and coaching volleyball, and all three of our kids are in sports. It doesn't sound like I've been missed too badly in blogsville, though :)

This post is not going to be about me. While I do still need to figure out what is wrong with my camera and post some more pics, I have an urgent prayer request for you. Our pastor and his wife, and also friends of ours dating back to Multnomah, are going through some serious health issues right now. Their daughter has just been diagnosed with luekemia and Lisa has just found out that she has melenoma again. Their daughter is 2 and faces 2 1/2 years of treatment. This has been a life changing and scary time for them and they need all of the prayers they can get. I am going to post the letters I receive from the church so that you can have all of the information, but please keep them in your prayers. If you feel lead, you can post a prayer for them on this blog.

Thanks everyone!

(The letters will be listed with the most current letter at top. All letters received after today will be added as a new post. Gayle Fidanzo, the secretary at our church, writes these.)


Dear Church,

I just received word from Pastor James at the hospital and he is asking you to drop to your knees and pray. Lisa had been tested several weeks ago for melanoma, and received test results today. Lisa has cancer. She will be scheduled soon for surgery. They have caught it early, so pray that this assault on Lisa’s health and energy and her ability to take care of Kaeli will be minimal.

Kaeli’s test results are not in yet from her bone marrow test. Please pray for victory today!!! Pray that her cancer is on the run!!! The doctors did say that Kaeli’s immune system is very low and that she will have to be quarantined at home.

Many of those in ministry leadership, including James and our own elders, are convinced that we are in the midst of spiritual warfare. Satan is trying to destroy our pastor and our shepherd and he is winning some battles in this fight for the health and welfare of the Allison Family. We cannot be complacent in this battle! God has promised that if we come to him in faith believing that He hears our cries. Rise up, Church! The righteous can prevail right now in the midst of these tragic circumstances. How? By petitioning our all-knowing, all-wise, omnipotent God; by trusting in Him. Who is like Him, who makes clouds His chariot and rides on the wings of the wind? Is anything too difficult for Him? Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand and has held the dust of the earth in a basket? He is the Sovereign LORD and he comes with power! Isaiah 40 says that He tends His flock like a shepherd, gathering the lambs in His arms, carrying them close to His heart. Claim these promises, Dear Church. You are the mighty army of the Lord that is called to contend for the lives of your pastor and his family, and you are the Beloved of the Lord.

Though I walk in the midst of trouble,
you preserve my life;
you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes,
with your right hand you save me.

The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
your love, O LORD, endures forever—
do not abandon the works of your hands.

Psalm 138:6-8

Day Seven

As the big day – Day Eight - approaches, the Allisons are feeling the need for your prayers. Kaeli is very lethargic today and seems to be in pain. James & Lisa request special prayer for tomorrow morning when it’s back to the hospital where the first bone marrow test will be performed since the time Kaeli started treatment. Our prayers are that at least eighty percent of the cancerous cells will be gone. Please pray for a restful night for all tonight. It goes without saying that they have all been under tremendous strain. You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. (Psalm 32:7)

James and Lisa miss you all very much, and want to be sure you know that they are isolating themselves a bit, not because they don’t need your love and fellowship, but because the doctor has advised them to limit Kaeli’s exposure to germs and viruses as much as possible. The whole family is experiencing a whole new reality right now. The boys have learned to use the Purell every time they enter the house. Let’s pray that the Allisons will all be back in our midst without limitation very, very soon!!

Praise the Father with all your heart. Praise Him that He is sovereign. Praise Him that He is mighty. Praise Him that He has promised to work in answer to prayer. He is the Alpha and Omega and knows the beginning and the end. He loves Kaeli with an everlasting love. All our hope is in Him.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27.

Day Six

Kaeli had another good morning. She was even able to ride her scooter! This afternoon, however, Kaeli is lethargic. She is set for another round of chemo tomorrow. Thank you for continuing to ask God for a test result which shows that on Day Eight there are no leukemia cells left in her system.

Another praise for the Allison Family is that Lisa’s brother, Matthew, surprised Lisa today by arriving at their doorstep. Matthew flew in from Colorado for two days to encourage his sister. An astonished Lisa says that she couldn’t have asked for a better surprise.

Lamentations 3:22-24
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

There were no updates over the weekend.
Kaeli Allison Chemo Treatment – Day Three

The Allisons are learning that for Kaeli every day is different and has its ups and downs. Yesterday, Kaeli had an extremely upsetting reaction to the medicine she is receiving. She was inconsolable and clearly terrified. It took hours for her to calm down. The intensity of her misery even surprised the nursing staff. At the time this terrible episode began, her brothers (“her boys”, as she calls them) were visiting her in her hospital room. Nathan and Brandon, ages 4 & 5, were frightened and crying at the intensity of their sister’s pain and suffering. James quickly escorted them out of the room, but they remain sad and frightened. Please hold these little guys up to the Father in prayer. Please pray that Kaeli will not have to endure such frightening and painful times as a side effect of the chemo and other medicines that are being administered to her.

Tom & Bonnie Kopp, Lisa’s parents have been a major support system to James & Lisa throughout Kaeli’s illness. Today Tom has a sore throat. As you know, Kaeli must be isolated from germs and viruses as much as possible. Please pray against Tom becoming sick.

Kaeli did sleep well last night. This is a wonderful answer to prayer. James and Lisa have expressed that they are experiencing the Lord carrying them like never before. God’s presence is so real to them. He’s so close. Keep on praying, church.

He came and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne. And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. Rev.5:7-8

When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.

For I am the LORD, your God. Isaiah 43:2-3

Tonight as you pray, claim this very promise for the Allisons and for whatever you are going through.

It is Day Two of Kaeli’s Chemo Treatment and she has shown some signs of improvement! Praise the Lord! Your prayers are being answered. After a very hard day yesterday, they cut off all of Kaeli’s pain meds to get her to awaken. She was in very sad shape when she woke up. However, after her next little nap, she awoke in a much better mood. She was able to move her left arm and she had no fever. What is really amazing is that she got up and wanted to walk around. She was also talking a “mile a minute” according to Lisa, prompting the nursing staff to exclaim, “Wow. This is a different person.” Lisa replied, “This is Kaeli!” Side effects are expected, but for now the chemo is helping to make Kaeli feel better. This is a reprieve that the whole family needed and is very thankful to be experiencing. Lisa and James want to express their deepest thanks to you for your prayers which are covering them in their worst moments and which celebrate with them each victory.

Please continue to pray for comfort for Kaeli in the midst of scary and extremely painful medical procedures; rest for James and Lisa; peace and understanding for two big brothers only 4 & 5 years old; and God’s miraculous healing hand to be on Kaeli. Remember we are counting down to Day 8 when we hope and pray that Kaeli’s test results will show that she is on her way to being completely healthy and strong again!

Day One
Thank you for praying for Kaeli’s surgery this morning. It was successful, although last night and today have been extremely difficult because Kaeli’s pain has been so intense. Please focus your prayers in two areas:

Lisa is truly exhausted. Please pray that she will sleep soundly in Kaeli’s hospital room tonight and that God will protect her strength and preserve her health. Pray that she will continue to feel the Lord’s very presence as she offers her sacrifice of praise in this harrowing situation. James and Lisa are trusting in their all wise, all knowing, sovereign God. They know He is in control, and they feel your prayer covering.

Kaeli is in intense pain. The surgeries today to make her little body ready to receive the chemo (there were two), the drawing of blood, the swelling of her body, especially one arm – these are just some of the things she has to endure while the disease is causing every inch of her body to cry out in pain. Please pray for immediate relief. God is intervening. In order to draw blood, Kaeli, who does not understand what is happening, must hold still. Today, while Kaeli was screaming, a nurse came in to help the others hold her. She told Kaeli, “God sent me right here to this room for you, Kaeli, to help you.” This message helped to calm her for a time. He is showing Himself to them in many ways. He is faithful.

Dear Church,

Tomorrow is Day One of the first phase of chemo for Kaeli. As you know by now, the next eight days are critical. Kaeli’s little body will have the opportunity to successfully respond to treatment. This is what we are praying for.

God’s Word tells us to pray and fast at certain times in our faith journey. Many in our body have felt God leading us to fast and pray for Kaeli. With the approval of the elders, we want to ask you to consider joining us. Fasting can be done in various ways. Whether we are able to give up a lot or a little, God takes note. Whether we fast from food or sacrifice something else of importance to our daily life, our focus is realigned and our Heavenly Father is attentive to our prayers. If you have not fasted before and want to consider joining us, please let me know. I’d love to provide some more information for you.

Let us be like Daniel:

So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the LORD my God and confessed:
"O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with all who love him and obey his commands…We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, hear and act! For your sake, O my God, do not delay…”

Daniel 9

Whether you decide to join us in fasting or not, James and Lisa ask for your prayers and feel your support.

I will be sending you a prayer focus for Kaeli each day, based on information I get directly from James and Lisa.

Uphold Kaeli at 7:30 am as she undergoes surgery to have a shunt implanted in her chest. This shunt will be the port through which chemotherapy will be administered. She will receive her first chemo immediately after it is in place. James and Lisa ask that you pray that the medicine will begin tomorrow to effectively destroy all of the bad blood cells without having any seriously adverse side effects.

Dear Church,

Thank you for your prayers. Tests have shown that Kaeli has the better form of all leukemia: pre-B ALL leukemia. Praise the Lord for this result.

Please keep praying. Kaeli is in incredible pain at the hospital. Although she is on morphine, the white blood cells in her bone marrow have multiplied and enlarged to the point where they are pushing on her bones, causing intense and constant pain. Aggressive chemotherapy will begin Wednesday. After a few days of chemo, the pain should start to diminish. The next 8 days are critical; a time when patients either begin to respond to the medicine or do not respond to the medicine, which is essentially killing good cells along with the bad. Please pray for protection for Kaeli’s kidneys, her joints, her heart, etc. Please ask the Father for good results next Wednesday, Day 8, after the initial phase of chemo.

Please pray for James and Lisa specifically. Kaeli’s pain is almost impossible for them to bear, and God’s constant abiding strength is the only thing that is seeing them through the heartache.

James & Lisa feel your support. Your prayers are effective. Please share in this message from Kaeli to her mommy, in the midst of her excruciating pain: “Mommy, I know someone is here helping me.” Jesus answers prayers.

I will update you again soon.

Dear Church Body,

The Allison Family is asking for your prayers. What began as a slight limp a month or so ago has escalated into severe and constant pain for two-year-old Kaeli. The doctors were unable to diagnose the problem at first. When blood test results came back earlier this week with concerning results, the decision was made to perform a bone scan. James has just called in with the results. The doctors think that Kaeli may have bone cancer. She is being admitted to the hospital tonight, for further testing and clarification of the diagnosis. James and Lisa ask you, Church, to pray for their precious daughter. Let us all petition our almighty, sovereign, loving Father, in one voice for healing for Kaeli and comfort and provision in every way for the Allisons.

You are receiving this information before we have a lot of answers, because it is so important that we all come alongside the Allisons in prayer. James and Lisa know that you would want to help in any way possible. For now, this is all the information there is, and no other assistance is needed at this time. I will keep you updated and informed as I receive new information. Please do not call the Allisons, but rely on me to communicate updates to you for the time being.

James and Lisa highly esteem you and covet your prayers.

Lord bless you as you pray


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