Turner Place

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


We have finally done something we have talked about for ages...we bought a springer spaniel puppy! It should be here sometime this week! The kids are very excited. We have decided to name her Lucy. Here are a couple of pictures for you to enjoy...the first on is of her parents and the second is of her and her siblings...not exactly sure which one is her. (Hopefully one of the cutest ones :)


We had a super time visiting family and friends in the Medford area over Thanksgiving. We stayed with my brother and his family most nights. We stayed up late playing games and hanging out. The kids tried their hand at video games - something that we don't have at our house, which makes it more challenging for them :)

My Aunt Diane and Uncle Eric hosted Thanksgiving dinner this year. Some of my cousins came up from Bend and my Grandma and Uncle Gary were also there. My cousin Stephanie ended up getting sick and had to leave with her mom, my Aunt Kris, shortly after we arrived. That was a bummer. I hope you're feeling better now Steph! Unfortunately, I didn't get as many pictures as I had hoped...I guess it would be difficult to fit everyone on this page anyway. It's always fun to hear the crazy stories when we all get together. Between my cousins and my Uncle Gary, it's truly amazing that any of us are alive :)

We visited our friends John and Sharilyn friday night. One of the highlights of the weekend was going to North Medford's playoff game. The quarterback was the ring bearer in our wedding...it's a little strange to see him so grown up. (Unfortunately, they lost, but it was still fun.) John and Sharilyn pounded us at ping pong the next morning...Be prepared John and Sharilyn - next time we are taking you down! :)

On our way back to Sherwood, we were able to visit with my Aunt Carol and Uncle Bill and Blaine's Grandma.

Thanks to all of our family and friends who let us intrude on them this weekend. We had a great time catching up with everyone and look forward to seeing you all again soon. We love you all!

Monday, November 21, 2005

My Favorite Pictures From This Summer

We went to Colorado to see my family this summer. I already put some of the pictures down below, but these are my favorite pictures that are not necessarily people:

Mesa Verde

My Dad and my nephew walking in a feild.

Red Canyon - Utah

Natural Bridges - Utah

It's amazing what you can do with digital camera's isn't it?

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Friends, Pizza, Football and Comics

Yesterday we had some friends over for pizza before we walked to the hometown football game. The team won round 2 of the playoffs. It is so much fun watching High School football in this town!

Here's some new pictures - still learning the best ways to format these:

In honor of the Civil war (Duck's vs. Beaver's for everyone who lives outside of Oregon), the kid's school had "Civil War Day". Rachael decided she is a platypus and painted Ducks on her forehead and Beaver's colors under her eyes.

Joel decided he wanted some Star Wars Legos that were $16.99. So he spent 2 days creating a15 page comic book to sell. He tried to sell it on the street for $16, but ended up taking his dad's offer of $5. (He gets allowance next week and he just lost a tooth, so Star Wars Legos may still be in his near future :)

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Summer Fun

Jumping on the Bandwagon

I've been reading different friends blogs for a while now, so I thought I would jump on the bandwagon and do my own. It seems like an eternity since I've talked to some of my friends and family.

I thought I would put some pictures of our summer up so you can see what we've been up to. Our new little town has turned out to be a fantastic place to raise kids. We love it here. Hannah is doing really well in Jr. High, Rachael has a super good (and tough) teacher and she's turning into a super student, and Joel has lots of friends at school (we're still working at sitting still - got in trouble Monday for doing repeated arm-farts in school.) I'm hopeful that he will get through Kindergarten this year :) (He will - I'm only kidding.)

I am back in school. Just started at PCC with the intent of becoming a teacher. It's going to be a long haul for me. None of my credits transferred, so I'm basically starting from square one. So far it's been good though.

Well, that's all for blog #1. Hopefully, it will be more interesting in the future :)