Turner Place

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Okay, I'm pathetic with the blog updating lately. Sorry. It's just so nice out (most of the time) that I haven't really been in the house long enough to get the job done. Also, my camera is being a pain and won't download pictures to the computer for me. So, I finally got some pictures of a camping trip I took with my neighbor. She took these pictures...a lot of them are really good, so I wish I could put more than 5 on here. Oh well.

Hannah's birthday (as well as 2 of my neices, one nephew, Blaine's Mom and Grandma) was in August. You can expect pictures from that as soon as I get my camera dilemna solved.

Thanks for the camping trip and for the pictures Sonia!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sleepovers, Friends and Toothless Boys

Here are the pictures from yesterdays post. Not sure what is going on. It worked when I centered them, but not when I tried to justify left...anyone have any ideas?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

It's Done!

Well, finally, I get a small repreave before I go back to school. I took my last final last night and I have one other assignment left to do this evening. Then I have 5 1/2 weeks of freedom!!! That is going to be nice. I was hoping to have finished everything last night, but things don't usually work out that way around here. I'm sure they do at your house though ;)

I won't bore you with the insanity of our schedule, but I will tell you that Blaine went out of town in the middle of it last week. He came back into town Thursday - the day that the London story broke and all flights were put on code orange. He called me to tell me he would probably be a little late because of it. When I arrived at the airport, a firetruck came flying past me. I parked my car and went to get in the elevator and the lights started flashing and a loud message saying, "An emergency has been reported in this building. Do not use this elevator. Please procede with caution to the nearest exit!" I used the stairs and made my way to the actual airport. When I went inside to look at the reader board(and I was late because he told me I should be) and the flight had arrived. So I went to baggage claim, but there was no one there and the bags had not arrived. I tried calling Blaine but he wouldn't answer his phone. Finally, after waiting about 10 minutes, he called me and all was well. I have to admit it was all a little nerve wracking.

My friend and her kids came up to visit Thursday night through Saturday morning. We took the kids to the zoo and went shopping and then went to the Street of Dreams. It was amazing to look at the Street of Dreams. I learn a couple of things, first of all people who have lots of money are able to pay very close attention to details. The perfection in some of those houses is literally unattainable to the majority of Americans. They were beautiful, but you just can't concider the price when you are looking or it will make you sick! (Of course, that just may be my reaction to spending a lot of money. It makes my stomach queezy for some reason.) The second thing I learned is that people who have houses like this definately do not clean their own bathrooms. Every bedroom had a bathroom (the kids bathrooms even had miniature toilets!) and then they tossed in a few extras here and there for good measure. One house had 7 bathrooms! And most of them were huge. One of the master bathrooms was nearly as big as the downstairs of my house...of course that includes the master closet...

Well, here's a few pictures for you. Hope you all have a fabulous finish to your summer!

Happy Birthday Micah!

Well, pictures aren't working again. I will have to put some up tomorrw...sorry!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Finally! Creation Fest!

Okay, if you think that loud music, 25,000 people crammed into tight camping quarters, no showers (or cold showers with very long lines), and mile long walks to and from your campsight in nearly 100 degree weather is fun - then you will love Creation Fest! Actually, it was a blast.

We went to a ton of concerts, including: MOC, David Crowder, George Huff, Barlow Girl, Audio Adreneline, Newsboys, Chris Tomlin, Hawk Nelson, Krystal Meyers, Story Side B, Kutless, Jeremy Camp, Relient K, Stellar Kart, Thousand Foot Crutch, KJ52, Grits, Superchic[k], Third Day, Hilsong United, Sanctus Real, Israel, etc...We like all of them, but here are some links to some of our favorites.


If you like rap, check out MOC, KJ52, and Grits. Heavier rock, Hawk Nelson, Superchic[k] and Thousand Foot Crutch. Worship: Hilsong United, Chris Tomlin and David Crowder(especially the last two...excellent song writers.)

Krystal Meyers is one of the girls favorite singers. Rachael has actually sang some of her songs before. One at a talent show at school. So it was really fun for them to get a picture taken with her.

They also got a picture with Story Side B...we just happened upon them shortly after their concert. They have a couple of songs on the radio right now that are really good. "Everything and More," "Miracle," and "Breathe."

David Crowder Band is a blast in concert. I highly recommend going if you have the chance. He is hilarious and humble. We had a great time worshipping with him.

George Huff was there too. I don't have any good pictures because it was too late, but he called a girl with downs syndrome, that he had met earlier that day, up to the stage and sang her a song. I was challenged by his simple act of kindness. Isn't that what it's all about? This would be an amazing world if we would all try a little harder to go out of our way to bless people - even in little ways.

Hannah was the freebie queen. She loves to get free stuff and managed to come a way with a pretty good stash. We missed out on one freebie, but only by the skin of our teeth. We were in the CD tent the last day and the guys says, "I'm going to give a free CD to the person who has gone the longest without a shower." I'm ashamed to admit it, but it was between our family and the guy who won! He actually had gone 6 days without a shower...yikes! I won't tell you how long we went...it's pretty scary too. (We did have soap and water at the campsite, though;)

Here's how we ended the trip...a 5 hour drive home with two sleepy girls.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Well, I'm sorry guys. Still no update on Creation Fest. I have it all written up, but still no pictures. Tammy's is working today, so I thought mine would be for sure :( Oh well.

I just finished up with a Literature class at PCC. It is 4 hours long once a week on Tuesdays. You can tell you're getting "old" when you can barely stand to sit for 4 hours on hard chairs. It nearly kills me! Thankfully there is only 2 classes left. The instructor seems to enjoy the darker side of literature, including topics such as rape, abortion, corruption in war/gov't, etc. I guess to be totally fair, there have been some obscure stories about inter-personally relationships too. She is actually a pretty cool teacher - just needs to balance the dark with the light.

Anyway, we were reading "Heart of Darkness" about this guy who goes into Africa to "harvest" ivory. He ends up becoming this brutal dictator/god-like figure who chops the heads off of people who don't submit to (worship) him and posts them around his hut. Pretty much everyone from "The Company" adores him and thinks he is this genius who has figured out how to succeed in the worst circumstances. Little do they know he is actually insane and that is why he is so successful. There is a lot more to the story than that, but I'm sure you don't want to hear about it all.

Apparently, Apocolypse Now is based on this short story. So tonight, instead of just reading about people getting their heads chopped off, I actually got to watch it! Woohoo! Good grief. On the one hand, I think it is interesting to get into the heads of people (imaginary or not) that are not like me - but there are some heads I'd rather steer far away from.

It does make you wonder though, how does someone get so depraved? This type of thing actually happens in the real world! It makes you sick to see it, but it's true. The Congo, the Haulocaust, Uganda, China, and in many, many other times and places, people have had brutal assults on their lives and families lives. It must break God's heart to watch his children being abused this way. The only constellation is that we know that eternity is not so far away, and that this life is over in the blink of an eye. "God 'will give to each person according to what he has done.' To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking, and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil..." Romans 2:6-9. It's funny because I normally want God's grace and compassion for everyone, but when I see or read stuff like this, I am so thankful that we have a just God.

Goodnight everyone. Thanks for letting me defuse on all of you. It's hard to sleep after watching something so hideous without mulling it over a bit first.