Turner Place

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

I'm so sorry I have done such a terrible job at keeping up this blog! It's been incredibly busy and I have been having problems with my camera, so I still am without pictures. Hopefully with a month long break from school I can do a little bit better for a few weeks :)

Unfortunately, I may be silent again for a season, because next term I have 18 credits, Rachael is in a big play (with 6 performances) and my cousin is getting married...not to mention all three of my kids are playing basketball and Blaine is coaching. I know most of you think I am insane, as do I, but the truth is, we misjudged when the play was going to be, and accidently registered for too many activities at the same time. The good news is, none of our kids are in sports in the spring this year...Shew!

I have been reading a blog (see Interesting Discussions link) that has had some great thoughts on women and their role in the family, church and in God's kingdom. There are so many questions reguarding tradition and truth. I really encourage everyone to read it. If you do read it, let me know what you think.

FYI...I just got accepted to George Fox University! Hard to believe I'm a year-and-a-half into this 5 year adventure to become a teacher. It's going really well. I've got good grades, I'm still able to spend a lot of time with the kids and suprisingly, it hasn't affected our family time at all. I guess it just goes to show, when God calls you to something, he gives you the grace to see it through.

Happy Holiday's everyone!