Turner Place

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Wacky Wednesday

Rachael and Joel had Wacky Wednesday at school. Here are their lovely costumes...

Monday, April 10, 2006


So I got my computer back today - yeah! However, when I saved everything before I sent it in, I forgot to save my email addresses. So, if you know me and would like to get email from me ever again ;) Please email me at jennturner@comcast.net so that I can have your email address once again. Just a note...Don't even bother if I don't know you. I will be deleting emails from anyone I don't know.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

That food is DISCUSTING!!!

I just can't stand to look at it anymore, so I am putting my sister's kids on here at the top so that when I open up the blog to look at who has commented, I don't have to see that gross picture...Sorry I can't do anything new...my computer is still being repaired.

I would like to say "Happy Birthday" to Ethen Webberly (hopefully I spelled that right...hmmm) and Mr. Michael Whipple. Hope you both had fantastic days.