Turner Place

Monday, February 20, 2006

Mandy and Mr. Bear go home...

I'm sad to say that today is the last day I get to have "Tuesday's with Mandy" for a while. I know, I know, it's Monday not Tuesday...but we had to move it to Monday this week since Mandy will be 3000 miles away at this time tomorrow. We had a nice night, though. We ate chili, drank tea, played Skip-Bo and she sang me a bunch of crazy songs she made up about sticks, slugs and BMW students who don't do anything. Tuesdays just won't be the same with out her...

Joel is also sad today. Mr. Bear has to go back to school tomorrow. Joel had so much fun with Mr. Bear this weekend. They ate spaghetti together, played Bionicles and Gameboy, played with Joel's cousins, saw Great-Grandma, Grandma and Grandpa and even had a goodbye party for Mandy. Mr. Bear became close freinds with "Crocky" too.

We will miss Mr. Bear and Mandy....Goodbye!!!!!!!! We love you both!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Lita's "Real" Birthday Party :)

So, we decided it was kinda mean to just have a virtual birthday party for Lalita. So, last night we had the real thing. Thanks for coming guys! We had a lot of fun...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day!

I'm thankful to have every friend, family member and neighbor in my life. I wouldn't be the same with out you all. Hope you have a super Valentine's Day!


Sunday, February 05, 2006

Intelligent Design vs. Evolution

So, I'm sitting here writing a paper about whether or not we should teach Intelligent Design as a viable theory in high school. What is interesting to me, aside from the fact that 78% of American's believe in a creator, is the number of assumtions that are made by both sides of the issue. For example, educated people who believe in evolution often assume there is no research going into Intelligent Design and that it is based strictly on religious philosophies. In fact, there is a lot of research being done on the subject. Two websites that I have found are www.y-origins.com and www.ideacenter.org. I really like the idea center one because it is college students who are looking into the different possibilities.

There are a number of supporters of Intelligent Design, on the other hand, who feel that it is the only theory that should be taught. I personally believe in Intelligent Design, but I think it is unreasonable to expect that people who don't believe in God are going to welcome and embrace the idea of God being taught in school without an argument. If we believe in finding truth, then why not teach both theories and let the evidence speak for itself? How much more powerful would that be?

It will be interesting to see how schools address this, as it is becoming more and more an issue. There was a ruling in Pennsylvania against mentioning Intelligent Design in school, but I wonder if it will be appealed to the Supreme Court at some point. With our current Supreme Court, it may actually have a chance.

There has also been a number of recent discoveries that have validated the Bible...the most current of which is the discovery of Jericho. They found that the walls actually fell outward and all at once, which is physically and logically impossible. If the city was under attack, there would have been parts of the walls that had been penetrated, and they would have fallen inward.

So, there is my two cents on an increasingly more heated topic. What do you all think?